Blog: stories & tales

In the Dachstein Krippenstein blog you get a behind the scenes view - the working day of our mountain crew - as well as stories and tales from Dachstein Krippenstein in the UNESCO World Heritag region in the Salzkammergut.

Summer holidays on Upper Austria's beautiful summit: Dachstein Krippenstein

The winter at Dachstein Krippenstein is a true paradise for all who love ski touring adventure. Highlight: The early tourers ride at 7:30 am (every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).

Workplace at 2,100 m

Insight into the exciting day-to-day work of a cable car employee at Dachstein Krippenstein.

Summer holidays on Upper Austria's beautiful summit: Dachstein Krippenstein

Sommerferien auf OÖs schönstem Berggipfel, dem Dachstein Krippenstein: Ob erlebnisreiche Wanderung, Höhlenführung oder Kletterpartie - Familien erwartet ein unvergesslicher Tag voller Bergerlebnisse.

Bad weather programme: Discover the Dachstein Cave World on a guided tour

On the Dachstein Krippenstein, there are plenty of exciting (underground) mountain experiences in our 3 caves, even in bad weather - when the sun takes a break - there is something for EVERYONE!

Working place with great views

Working place with a view :-) Be the first to uphill early in the morning and enjoy the great 360 degree panorama of the freshly snow-covered winter landscape. That's starting in the working day!

In Kaiserschmarrn we trust :-)

Der Kaiserschmarrn ist eines der beliebtesten süßen Nachspeisen aus der Österreichischen Küchen UND eine süße Belohnung nach einem Tag am Berg geht immer :-)

Hooray, winter is here

We are working frantically on winter! On snow making for the pistes, on redesigning of snowshoe hiking options and on all the technical bells and whistles in the background that make your day great!

Revision Dachstein Krippenstein

Revision oder wieso macht die Dachstein Krippenstein-Seilbahn Pause? Und warum hebt unsere Crew in die Luft ab um auf den Berg zu kommen?